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Assess only what’s changed

Proactive Assessment

Actively working to identify vulnerabilities before they become a threat across your routers, switches and firewalls.

The configuration of network devices can change due to planned or unplanned activities. These changes, either accidental or nefarious can leave networks vulnerable to attack. Knowing which changes leave the network most at risk is key.

Conducting an assessment on a device after that change has occurred can identify it as an Indicator of Compromise, inform incident response and help shut down that threat.

Proactive assessment gives you that visibility of change and can report where your network is non-compliant with a security standard or at risk to a real-world threat.

Nipper Enterprise automates the process of identifying configuration drift in an enterprise network’s routers, switches and firewalls. Where misconfigurations are detected, it produces risk-prioritized findings and remediation guidance to expedite securing the network.

ICON - Proactive Assessment - Enterprise

Continuously validate devices

Determine the security and compliance state of every network device, every day, with ‘pass/fail’ evidence of compliance with vendor hardening guides and security controls.

ICON - Configuration Drift Monitoring - Enterprise

Proactively assess for configuration drift

Achieve continuous asset monitoring by proactively assessing for configuration changes, between scheduled audits in Nipper Enterprise.

ICON - Incident Prevention - Enterprise

Reduce attack surface through incident prevention

Respond to the most critical incidents first with risk-prioritized misconfiguration findings and mitigating advice to inform remediation workflows, allowing you to fix what you find, in risk-prioritized order.

“Known exploited vulnerabilities should be the top priority for remediation. Based on a study of historical vulnerability data dating back to 2019, less than 4% of all known vulnerabilities have been used by attackers in the wild.” CISA: BOD 22-01
Military cyber security professional speaking on headset and using computer while working in network control center.

Monitor Planned Configuration Changes

Gain assurance that planned network changes have not created new vulnerabilities within the network.

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Prioritize Remediation of Exploitable Risks

Network vulnerabilities are prioritized according to network criticality with mitigation advice to inform remediation workflows, informing POAMs (Plans of Action and Milestones) and allowing you to fix vulnerabilities in a risk-prioritized order.

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Exclamation mark symbolising network security alert.
Two male government surveillance team members looking at female agents screen in network control center.

Proactively Manage Configuration Drift

Achieve continuous asset monitoring by proactively assessing for configuration changes, between scheduled audits in Nipper Enterprise.

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Establish a Zero Trust Base Line

Determine the security and compliance state of every network device, every day, with ‘pass/fail’ evidence of compliance with vendor hardening and security controls.

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Person looking at pass/fail evidentiary reports on laptop.

Continuous Network Security &
Compliance, at Scale

Nipper Enterprise provides continuous monitoring for proactive assessments.

Explore Related Resources

Nipper Enterprise Solution Guide

Nipper Enterprise Solution Guide

 State sponsored attacks exploit publicly known vulnerabilities. Early detection of such attacks is vital.

State sponsored attacks exploit publicly known vulnerabilities. Early detection of such attacks is vital.

Emerging Best Practice in the Use of Proactive Security Solutions

Emerging Best Practice in the Use of Proactive Security Solutions


Looking for continuous assessment to:

  • Proactively assess network security?

  • Validate the security of every router, switch and firewall, every day?