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Configuration security & compliance at scale

Software Vulnerability Management

Risk-prioritized view of vulnerabilities in network devices

Organizations can be tasked with tens of thousands of vulnerabilities on their networking devices. To stay on top of software vulnerabilities requires regular patching of devices. But patching every one of those devices is time-consuming and is likely to affect operations.

“For over 10 years only between 7.6% and 12.6% of all (software) vulnerabilities have been exploited…. Organizations should focus on active threats instead of addressing thousands of vulnerabilities that may never occur in real-world attacks.” CISA

Identifying software vulnerabilities and prioritizing them according to industry standards is key to directing remediation efforts which is why Nipper and Nipper Enterprise provide a risk-prioritized view of vulnerabilities.

ICON - Software Vulnerability Management - Enterprise

Automate software vulnerability checking

Detect all known software vulnerabilities across network infrastructure, with automated assessments for the latest NIST NVD, CVE, Cisco PSIRT CVE, CWE, CAPEC, MITRE ATT&CK® and CISA KEV catalogs.

ICON - Compromise Non-Compliance - Enterprise

Risk prioritized findings

Identify software vulnerabilities and prioritize them according to industry standards as well as if they are Known Exploited Vulnerability (KEV) or linked to a MITRE ATTA&CK technique, allowing for effective remediation and patching of the devices that are most vulnerable and exposed to critical risks.

ICON - Proactive Audits - Enterprise

Continual assurance

Nipper Enterprise can provide continual assurance with regular, ongoing checks - identifying, assessing and reporting risk prioritized vulnerabilities.

Research Report

Research shows that exploitable network misconfigurations cost organizations 9% of total annual revenue.

Defend Against Tactics & Techniques

Use threat intelligence to focus remediation resources on hardening networks to the specific adversary tactics and techniques used to target organizations like yours.

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Two male government surveillance team members looking at female agents screen in network control center.
Server room center concept with network security graphic overlayed to portray network data flowing.

Minimize Network Infrastructure Attack Surface

Minimize the network infrastructure attack surface with MITRE ATT&CK misconfiguration prioritization. Nipper Enterprise provides mapping to 10 of 11 MITRE ATT&CK network tactics.

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Remediation Analysis to Improve Security Posture

Device-specific guidance on how to fix misconfigurations – including command line scripts in some cases – is provided to decrease the mean time to remediate security and compliance risks and inform POAMs (Plans of Actions and Milestones).

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Network security concept showing servers and close up of command script remediating risks.
Female cyber security professional working at office desk, looking at dashboard showing network security posture.

Prioritize Remediation of Exploitable Risks

View assessment findings through a range of security and compliance lenses and risk rating systems to determine which software vulnerabilities and misconfigurations to fix first, to demonstrably strengthen security and/or compliance posture.

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Continuous Network Security &
Compliance, at Scale

Nipper Enterprise provides continuous assurance for software vulnerability management.

Explore Related Resources

New Report Reveals Exploitable Network Misconfigurations Cost Organizations 9% of Total Annual Revenue

New Report Reveals Exploitable Network Misconfigurations Cost Organizations 9% of Total Annual Revenue

Nipper Enterprise Solution Guide

Nipper Enterprise Solution Guide

What is Zero Trust and how can it be achieved?
Technical Brief

What is Zero Trust and how can it be achieved?


Looking for an automated way to:

  • Assess network infrastructure readiness for Zero Trust?
  • Validate the security of every router, switch and firewall, every day?
  • Assure compliance with DISA RMF and NIST SP 800-53?