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Threat containment

ASM Forensics

Examine network exposure following an attack to guide threat hunting teams with historic security posture reporting and analysis.

Attack Surface Management (ASM) Forensics: Examining Historic Security Posture

When anomalous network activity triggers an alert, understanding the security posture of your attack surface, at the time of the first Indicator of Compromise (IOC), is vital intelligence.

Providing a security and/or compliance posture report of the entire network infrastructure estate, at a specific point in time, Nipper Enterprise helps threat hunters to detect where the network was vulnerable to attack, or where a security gap could have led to attack proliferation.

Nipper Enterprise also provides risk-prioritized remediation advice that enables network teams to check that the network is no longer exposed, lowering the risk of a further event.

ICON - ASM Forensics - Enterprise

Forensically analyze network exposure

Trace MITRE ATT&CK® posture back to the first IOC to determine how the attack could have proliferated based on network segmentation and device vulnerability at that time.

ICON - Incident Response - Enterprise

Enhance incident response

Use historic and current posture analysis to shut down attacks, mitigate exploited/exploitable risks, and defend against future breach.

ICON - Network Hardening - Enterprise

Defend against tactics & techniques

Use threat intelligence to focus remediation resources on hardening networks to the specific adversary tactics and techniques used to target organizations like yours.

Research Report

In this research from Omdia see why more than 70% of organizations have increased spending on Proactive Security solutions to bridge the gap between confidence and best practice to ensure continuous, secure operations.

Forensically Analyze Historic Network Posture

Guide threat hunting teams from the first Indicator of Compromise with forensic analysis of the historic network security posture to proactively inform incident response.

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Discover and Mitigate Hidden Threats

View historic and current security snapshots through an attacker’s lens for an additional level of insight to understand actual exposure to persistent threats and threats in the wild.

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Automate Software Vulnerability Checking

Detect all known software vulnerabilities across network infrastructure, with automated assessments for the latest NIST NVD, CVE, CWE, CAPEC, MITRE ATT&CK and CISA KEV catalogs.

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Analyze Current Exposure to Threats in the Wild

Automate audits against STIGs, CCI, NIST SP 800-53 and/or the MITRE ATT&CK framework to understand the extent to which the network is exposed due to misconfigurations and vulnerabilities.

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Prioritize Remediation of Known Risks

View network posture through a range of security and compliance lenses and risk rating systems to determine which software vulnerabilities and misconfigurations to fix first.

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Continuous Network Security &
Compliance, at Scale

Nipper Enterprise provides ASM assurance for network infrastructure

Explore Related Resources

Nipper Enterprise Solution Guide

Nipper Enterprise Solution Guide

Validating network configurations is seen as a top three consideration for Commercial CNI network security teams.

Validating network configurations is seen as a top three consideration for Commercial CNI network security teams.

Emerging Best Practice in the Use of Proactive Security Solutions

Emerging Best Practice in the Use of Proactive Security Solutions


Looking for an automated way to:

  • Determine exposure to tactics & techniques?
  • Assist your threat hunting and incident response teams? 
  • Improve your MITRE ATT&CK posture?